Friday, April 16, 2010

Dog Distractions

The other day, Mason and I were walking across campus, on our way back from the dining hall, when we got an unexpected surprise. At first, everything was going normally. Then, a woman walked by with her dog. Some staff members, I forget their actuual titles, have to live in the dorms. They're not R.A.s but the people above them. Anyway, since they have to live there, they are allowed to have their pets. Therefore, a couple of small dogs reside on our campus. Anyway, one of these people walked by with her dog feeling pretty secure in her arms. The first clue I got that a dog was there was when he decided to lunge at Mason. Surprisingly, he didn't react. In training, he was easily distracted by other dogs, and that's an issue we've still been working on. Therefore, you can imagine how pleased I was when he completely ignored this one. It's nice to know that even when some people don't control their animals, yours can be depended on to behave.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Annoying Yet Important Details People Leave Out

Recently, I found out some troubling news concerning my lease. When I first decided to rent the dorm, I was told that I had to sign a full 12 month lease, and there were no other options. I wasn't totally thrilled about it, but I figured that at least that meant I would have access to it all year, and could move my stuff out at a slow pace over the summer. I guess their goal with this is to encourage people to take summer classes. However, that was never an option for me due to finantial issues and not having the desire to spend my last summers as a student on a deserted campus with no public transportation and classes only 2 days a week. Anyway, I recently discovered that if students are not taking summer classes, and if they are not staying in the same room next year, they have to vacate their dorms by the end of spring semester. The stupid part here is that I'm paying to have the room all summer, and they're not going to be renting them out again untill next fall. Therefore, you wouldn't think it would matter if we moved out right away or not. What really gets me is that I would not have found any of this out if it wasn't for a chance encounter with someone who happened to mention it. If that hadn't happened, I definitely would have found myself in an interesting situation in May, especially since none of this was mentioned in the paper work.